I'm truly enjoying your videos. Must of what you are saying is a reiteration of many of my own speeches. I'm the 85 year old who just came on board and looking to make more connections to my own 35 years of research, some of which has been rather painful. Even though I have severed quite a few contractual obligations, most of which were of a presumptive nature [as you say, 'hidden in plain sight'], I still have some that need taken care of. I have a rather large family and I try to lead by example and do not force feed any of my en devours on any of them. As I progress through your system I'm hoping to see a path to introduce them to the freedom I have aspired to for many years. Thank you. Dan Pendergast

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fascinating video Ken especially the private statement of Edward Mandel House which is a good summation of the bondage we have been set into. Thankyou 🙏

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