We recently received some questions as a comment on one of our videos from someone who is considering subscribing to us at Freedom Absolute on Patreon. We are always happy to answer questions as we like to be transparent. These particular questions are very good so we have responded and posted as an article for all to see.
So, please find below the questions followed by the answers, which we trust our readers will find interesting and helpful.
I have a couple questions after doing research on your group as I'm considering the donation.
QUESTION ONE. Many people are having success with SPC (some even taught by guys who are the heads of banks), discharge, and status correction and nobody is getting arrested. There are many people with big movements now (guys like Brandon Joe Williams who is having success suing banks , having success with status correction while assisting others, and creating his own Coalition through the law). Is it possible that people are just figuring out different ways to the same road?
KEN’S ANSWER: Yes, it is certainly possible so we would not discount that out of hand. I have never resisted investigating other research, remedies, and applications over my 35 years of work in this field. At the same, in the 35 years of experience that I have, I have seen many people taken down for doing most of the things you mention, and other approaches. For one thing, you refer to Brandon Joe Williams and state in the same sentence he is having success suing banks and with status correction…”
Well, first of all, these two things are mutually exclusive. If you are suing anyone in the current so-called judicial system you are going to war on a commercial battefield and doing so in a bankrupt system. One has to enter their courts as a bankrupt and belligerent, so there is absolutely no correlation to say he sues and is doing status correction. These are the precise types of errors and misinformation that is proliferating throughout the internet.
Secondly, I looked at him once a year or so ago. I find him to be very abusive and belligerent. Anyone who promotes himself as “One Stupid Fuck” is not someone I would ever be interested in nor would I refer to him as someone who is successful. That is all I wish to say about him as your referenced success story. And have a look at this, which shows up easily with a simple search:
Over many years I have adopted a conservative approach so that no member of PTV pushes the envelope and attempts something that they are not prepared to do, or even if prepared, that is something that has a hidden booby trap. Most people are looking for quick fixes or a way to game the system to extract “money” out of it. That is not at all what we are doing in PTV. One thing I have observed over and over again (over the span of 30+ years) is that initially a strategy would work and be allowed by the system to demonstrate success. Then those individuals would promote the strategy, often doing weekend seminars for prices in the $300-500 range to auditoriums with anywhere from 100-400 paying participants (do the math, they were making lots of money). Then many of those participants went out and tried the same approach, numbering in the thousands, and at some point the hammer would come down and many were arrested, indicted, and sent to serious prison time, or lost their entire estates. There is no replacement for real experience, and I have that experience over 35 years.
When you write “many people are having success…” the real question is what does “many people” really mean? Numbers and anecdotal stories can be very misleading. Also, the ones who do legitimately have success, numbered in the very few, are very advanced in their knowledge and capacities, which most people are not. So we have created an education basis and a strong society support to guide our members. That is also one of the things that most of the seminars of the 90s, 00s, and beyond never did. One could go to a 3-day seminar and then gone, good luck, you’re on your own. This is why we created a society that provides continual support and guidance.
QUESTION TWO. When asking other people in the freedom space about your organization, just about everyone says you’re a cult, and they don't want to work with your group. I Why is that happening if we're all in it for the same thing? Has Gemstone done something in the past that has deceived people?
KEN’S ANSWER: That is a very good question, and I am happy you asked it. First of all, “just about everyone says…” can be addressed in the same context as in answer #1 in my response about “many people are having success.” How do you know that “just about everyone” has that position towards me? There are many thousands of truly masterful beings in areas of law and monetary systems and related subjects who never are seen in the “circuits” of visible promoters and self-professed teachers. I have known many of them over decades and maintain relationships with those who remain private and have no problem with me. Whomever you came across are just a minor, vocal group, and they have their subjective spins on reality and choose to make it their business to spread rumors and attitude like you report.
So why don’t they want to collaborate and work together? The question remains perplexing to me and us to this day. I have always sought collaboration and cooperation in research and development of knowledge and solutions. In the far past, in the 90s and 00s and the first part of the teens, I was integrally part of and enjoyed that community type of interaction and collaboration. But things began to change about 10-12 years ago. A major part of that is attributable to the fact that I was not shy about stating my position about religion and all of the myths, distortions, and embedded mind control in that sector.
Many people in the law and sovereignty movement are quite religious and vehemently attacked me in many ways. If you are familiar with a movement called RuSA (Republic of united States of America, started in 2010) I was a major part of that movement. I held top offices in the California Republic, including governor. The religious faction there chose to go against me in a religious war that had nothing to do with a Republic nor the principles we were pursuing. I did not take that lying down. That group still exists today, promoting itself as the “real republic” that will be, under their directives a Theocratic Republic.
Have a look a this page and the books presented. Have a read therein, and find that this group absolutely intends to merge church and state and enforce majority rule by a religious authority over the whole population. That was something I would not stand for and I was attached viciously for it. That was in 2012. So there are many out there pointing fingers and spreading rumors about me, but they hide their soiled sheets under covers of piety and so-called divine directives, and to them I am the enemy.
After that experience I went straight forward in building PanTerra in 2013, attempted numerous times to collaborate with many others from 2013 to 2019 and continued the work in building PanTerra and continually researching and perfecting my knowledge. It would take a book to tell all the stories of the encounters and things that occurred to polarize and undermine me and PanTerra, perhaps several volumes. From 2013 to 2019 many attempts to collaborate with others were initiated and ultimately all failed. For the same reason. Some were not of the religious bent, but ego and greed were usually their flavor of religion, so it amounted to the same thing. One day later this year I intend to write more on this subject and most likely do videos to expand on the details. Andrea and I find this whole point quite sad and disheartening, because we are here for one thing, which is to make this world a better place for as many beings as possible. We only want to collaborate with others, not to polarize or engage in ego or greed based encounters. Unfortunately that is not the case with many others.
Many like to tell stories and bad mouth others in order to elevate themselves to their audiences. We can observe this disease of the spirit on the macro scale with what has happened in the last eight years. In many respects, the same sort of polarization and bifurcation has happened within our society, and many disaffected people have skulked away and attempted to rearrange reality by making me and PanTerra their enemy. They find others who want to hear negative gossip, all of whom have never actually approached me for the other side of the story. Numerous leading voices in the areas of law and health have come to us to make contact, started a dialog, then suddenly disappear never to be heard from again. So is this the sort of relationships they wish to build on principles of equity and balance, when they will just believe what someone says about me without seeking the other side of the story? Unfortunately, apparently it is.
What is ironic about being called a “cult” is that many doing so are immersed in the biggest cult in the world - religion. We are called by them, pagans and worse. They attack what they do not understand. That is, unfortunately, what we have to call human nature in our time. But of course it is not human nature, it is the consequential outflow of belief systems and all sorts of social, political, religious, and emotional mind control. The actual fact is I have studied the roots of religion going back 5,000 years and have integrated that research into what is really going on in today’s world and current events. This includes the basis of the Bible and who has really controlled the world for thousands of years. I will debate anybody who wants to have an honest and intelligent dialog about these subjects, but am not interested in going up against closed minds who believe they are righteously correct about such subjects and only use their own ignorance as an offensive weapon and then fall back on their arrogance as their defense. Been there, done that, not interested anymore.
Many call us a cult or a secret society because of what we have set up as a “Private Society,” which is not secret, it’s private. It is private to protect the integrity of our private jurisdiction, law form, and other essential parts of what we have created. I have assiduously researched and developed this for decades and it has been road tested and proven to be the best possible solution. We have had attempts to breach our private jurisdiction and it has never worked. So instead of calling us a cult, why aren’t these so-called freedom loving individuals coming to talk to me about what I have done and perfected? They would rather be self-righteous and throw aspersions at us from afar then being real beings with backbones to say it to my face and have an intelligent discussion.
Our private standing as a sovereign body politic, private society, has been proven by the test of time. We have had many of the three letter agencies come directly at us with their usual modalities to take us down. None of it worked, because we built something that is truly separate from the public system. These are the things and knowledge that I have and have tried to collaborate with others in the law community, to no avail. They just want to call us a cult or otherwise. So be it, that is their problem, not ours. If anyone would really like to know how this world system works, how it was created, what are the details of it all, and has a true intention to learn these things, our work is wide open and fully available to all.
But what is a cult anyway? Where does the word come from? It is the root of two primary words in context, one of which is “occult” and the other is “culture” and its derivative “cultivate.” Are we an occultist group, in the way of a secret society? Absolutely not! But are we a culture that cultivates key and essential principles? Absolute yes, guilty as charged. We are a culture that is established on principles of Self-Responsibility, Intelligent Research, Life Affirming work in the world, and much more. We are a culture that thrives on true co-creative collaboration, that has been built on the principles of doing the hard work, inside and out, so that we increase our inner standing as Beings that are here to create a new reality in this world.
We are a culture of Peace, A House of Peace and a Society for Life, that honors all of Life in its myriad expressions, that seeks intelligent inquiry and exploration into the nature of this world and reality itself, and abides deeply by our passion to do everything we can to change this reality with every waking breath. When we stopped asking for donations for membership and our educational content, we set the price of entry as one’s Being, Passion, and Commitment. We maintained a diligent position that engaging the Work we do will build Excellence and Brilliance. That is our culture and that is what we cultivate. What we don’t do is get entangled with puerile games such as speaking negatively about things and people, but many others find that that is what they must do. So we avoid them and let them do what they want to do.
If someone listens to those types and does not investigate us to find out for themselves, then they have fallen victim to such infantile people. If nothing else, what we can only say is come investigate us and find out for yourself and not listen to what others say who have an agenda and only tell one subjective side of a story for such agendas.
To conclude this response, what is beyond ironic and seriously misguided, is the fact that all of these people, for whatever reason, are getting some sort of internal benefit to themselves for polarizing with me and PanTerra as a whole, basically making us their enemy and attacking accordingly. But read everything that I have ever written that is in the public, the Overview of the World System, the Declaration of Intention and the People’s Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity, and much more. Then tell me if this is the words of a cult leader or one mad about personal power. Or is it the words of someone who has dedicated his entire life for 71 years to these principles, never stopping once or allowing such things to derail my focus and intentions, to deliver this work to the world. Andrea and I have engaged this work for our entire lives (with great cost to us at many levels) to build PanTerra and to stand unwavering on these principles.
The very foundation of our work in law and everything else is “Go to Peace.” Then ask yourself, if we are only about Peace and promote that in every possible way for decades, why are all these others going to war with us? Is this not the same energy and the same frequency as the war against humanity that is now so exposed (the Dems and the Deep State, and those puppet masters behind them)? Those evil ones who are behind all the war and destruction and pain and suffering in our world always put on a happy face, always talk about “the other team” as being so evil, but it is always pure projection. That is the same thing that most of these people are doing that you say call us a cult in a pejorative way . We stand for Peace and Sovereign Integrity and they attack us and make us their enemy. So what does that tell you about them? And about us?
QUESTION THREE. If you know the monetary and legal system so well, why are you asking for donations? Shouldn't you know how to acquire money?
KEN’S ANSWER: Yes we know how to acquire money and we are quite involved at levels on the worldwide scale in this regard. What we have done in the last ten years has had to remain very private and secured due to confidentiality agreements. These facts will be made public sometime this year. Of course, along the lines of the answer to #2, there are many who have come and gone who distort many related facts due to their ignorance and incapacity to understand things far above their intellectual levels. We have had to deal with many people in this context.
We did not take any donations for our membership or education for the last five years. We discovered in that time, with many hundreds of people, perhaps in the thousands, who have come and gone that giving what we have built in terms of knowledge, experience, and the depths of our society content and interaction all over the world with members in over forty countries is that it gets back to that same old adage, a proverbial statement that “people do not value what they do not have to pay or work for.” In other words, most could not or would not step up to their own levels of effort and responsibility to do their own work. They just wanted it handed to them. A good number of those people caused all kinds of havoc and undermining that cost us dearly in terms of time, energy, and enduring the abuse they directed at us. These are the types that go around now and spread idle and inaccurate rumors about us.
So the truth is that we have had to deeply contemplate this issue for the last two years, and finally came to the point where the decision was made to again require fees to be paid for membership and our education, and the advanced Master Law Course. There are some out there in the law and freedom community who decry anybody taking a dollar for their lifetime work. So we experimented with that and found that it does not work. There are a lot of reasons for that, that I will write about in weeks and months to come. For now, it is simply our position that we require a relatively small payment for our foundational General Education Member (GEM) level, and a very reasonable amount for our world class Master Law Course (MLC). It is a two year course because it has the integration of thirty-five years of my work and many thousands of hours of contribution and work by many of our members. It is a complete life transformation process and course, not just a “throw it at the wall and see what sticks” dime store bargain for the masses. It requires real work, effort, and Will. Most don’t have even one of those attributes, so we are looking for those who do and wish to transform their lives at all levels.
Additionally, when you ask “…If you know the monetary and LEGAL system so well…” which seems to imply that if we knew the legal system so well, we should be able to do what so many profess to be able to do, which is set up their position, status correction if they call it that, or the SPC process, and then be able to pull “money” out of a magic hat and compel the system to do so. We have seen this for decades too. In the 2000s and into the 2010s there were quite a few running around promoting “The Black Card” - a mythical black bank card that was unlimited because they had “pierced though to their estate” and could now spend unlimitedly. All a myth, a patriot mythology, promotions for the patridiots to throw money at, and the promoters raked in millions. And they were supported by the dark side of the system, too. So no, we don’t pull money out of the magic card or hat.
We watched many people promote these myths for three decades, and many people went to jail for trying to do so. The promoters either got a load of money into their pocket (from charging for their services, seminars, and materials – but not from that magic hat) and then either disappeared (so that we found out later they actually were protected by the government to lead many astray) or they went to prison themselves. So be very careful about what you believe what others say they have done, or can do for you, and all the great things they have pulled out of their magic hats, because the red queen is in fact talking backwards and it ain’t always what it appears to be. Just go ask Alice, or the Wizard, or Dorothy and Toto.
Thank you for your questions, I will always answer more as time allows.
P.S. You also asked about the details of the two-year course. We will write something up about that soon and do a screen share walk through or other type of audio/video presentation of that soon. For now, suffice to say that the first three months of the MLC course is at the GEM level. For the price of three months subscription ($100 total) one can review and engage with all of the materials and work that lays the foundation for the full MLC. It required decades of our lives dedicated to do the work and research to synthesize what is now available to GEM members, along with literally many hundreds of thousands of dollars to be paid to find that work and research, and a whole lot of deprivations in our personal lives. So if this is not worth it for someone to pay a hundred dollars to have access to it all, then this work is not for them. We are truly only interested in those with a passion to learn and the Will to engage the Intent and Purpose for which PanTerraVida has been created. That Intent can be found in our Declaration of Intention and the Purpose can be found in our People’s Declaration of Peace and Sovereign Integrity.
Thank you for Being here.